User’s manual translations

We translate product descriptions, user’s manuals, and usage descriptions  for you or your company. For more information contact us, call now at 07459 490 814!

Product description translations to and from English.

The sales of a product may increase if the product description is available in the customer’s language.  Every potential buyer is interested in the product’s components, user manuals, warranty period and other information connected to the product. The potential customer will only buy the product if he/she has the information that they are looking for.

The more languages the product description is available in, the more potential sales. This has been proven by market research. Electronic materials, televisions, radios, home cinemas, kitchen machines and sport material user manuals are usually translated into many different languages, helping diversify the product and increasing sales.

Cosmetic product users’ manual translation

The cosmetic industry started to develop rapidly in the last decade. We know that many people would take care of their skin and show off their youth. That is why nowadays more and more people buy cosmetics. But of course before people buy these cosmetics, they must not only know what is inside of the product but also how often they must use it, how much they must use etc.

Therefore the translation of the product description or user manual is quite important to the provider and the consumer

Inexpensive and fast translation

The product descriptions and user manuals are usually short texts, so we can translate them quickly. For 4-6 pages we can even finish within 24 hours. Our translators are available during every day of the year; they not only work during the usual workday, but also at home during their free time. If it is necessary for them to work during the evening so that the translation will be finished by the morning then they will do so.

Before starting a translation we agree on a deadline with the customer.

If you would like to know how much a translation costs, then feel free to contact us! You can also calculate an approximate price by yourself, if you take a look at the amount of words within the  document that needs to be translated then you can multiply that with our price-per-word fees. Count with GBP/ source word to get the approximate price. We would like to also tell you that this GBP/source word price could change in case of a less commonly used language. For more detailed information call us or send us an email! We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Telephone: 07459 490 814, call us now!